[Solved] The VM Session was Closed Before Any Attempt to Power it on

Here you will find out:

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When most error codes appear on a Windows system, the reason(s) for the error is displayed alongside, but in the case of error 0x80004005, there is no specific cause, and as such, it is displayed with an “Unspecified Error” message. This implies that there are many things that could have caused the error. What are these things? Let’s see.

[Solved] The VM Session was Closed Before Any Attempt to Power it on

На некоторых компьютерах при запуске виртуальной машины VirtualBox возникает ошибка, в которой написано, что «Не удалось открыть сессию для виртуальной машины». У меня она выглядела так:

[Solved] The VM Session was Closed Before Any Attempt to Power it on

Если щёлкнуть на слово «Детали» в окне этой ошибки, то можно увидеть код этой ошибки — E_FAIL (0x80004005):

[Solved] The VM Session was Closed Before Any Attempt to Power it on

Особенно неприятно, если у вас уже была настроена рабочая виртуальная машина в VirtualBox, которой вы пользовались, а через некоторое время она просто перестала запускаться, выдавая ошибку E_FAIL (0x80004005) «Не удалось открыть сессию для виртуальной машины». В данной статье мы последовательно рассмотрим три решения данной проблемы с запуском виртуальной машины.

The VM Session was Closed Before Any Attempt to Power it on, VirtualBox Error. Checking the Error details further gave this

The VM Session was aborted, Result Code E_FAIL (0x80004005), Component SessionManage

  • Tried to discard save state for the VM – couldnt because the option was grayed out
  • Deleting the storage devices and then forcing a restart – didnt work, couldnt delete the storage devices

I was about to remove VirtualBox and reinstall when it struck me as to what could be the issue. I dual boot windows 10 and Ubuntu 19. 04 and my virutal machines are stored on another internal platter drive. When you are using Windows and then shut down, there are certain times if something goes wrong and it doesnt shut down properly, Windows leaves the internal drive as read only. In that state, under Ubuntu (or any other distro) the drive will mount, but you cant do anything on it – no new files, no new folders, access files etc.

The simplest solution is to boot back in to windows and simply restart. When it shuts down properly, the drive is no longer read-only and Ubuntu along with VirtualBox can then access the VMs again and should now start successfully.

David patiently guided me through the reinstallation of the VirtualBox packages from the Ubuntu repositories and check out the configuration (dkms, extension packages, etc. At last, he asked me to try a new installation with a live ISO. It was then that I noticed that my “Default Machine Folder” defined in VirtualBox – File – Preferences – General was not usable. I knew that it was on a mounted NTFS used by the dualboot Win10 system. A closer look showed that at present it was mounted read-only, which prevented the virtual machines from starting (with a not very helpful error message).

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As I recalled then, shortly after I had last successfully booted the VirtualBox guests, I had not only got Ubuntu updates, but I had also booted for the first time since long my native Win10 system. Apparently, Microsoft had then installed updates AND had reactivated the ‘fast startup’ option (which certainly had been deactivated before!) – so that later, back in Ubuntu, the NTFS file system was mounted in read-only mode, as Windows had not properly shut down.

Now that I have again deactivated the ‘fast startup’ option in Windows10, my guest systems are running again.

Thank you, David, for asking the right question which set me on the right track!

[Solved] The VM Session was Closed Before Any Attempt to Power it on

  • Once all storage is removed, it will have no attached storage. Start the Virtual machine now. You will see the Oracle VirtualBox screen with boot medium error because there is no bootable CD or hard disk attached.
  • Shut down VM now and add the correct storage disks as it was earlier.
  • Now switch on the virtual machine, which will start normally.

[Solved] The VM Session was Closed Before Any Attempt to Power it on

VirtualBox may come up with some fixes for this issue. But, I can confirm this method worked for me.

[Solved] The VM Session was Closed Before Any Attempt to Power it on

Dinesh is the founder of Sysprobs and written more than 400 articles. Enthusiast in Microsoft and cloud technologies with more than 15 years of IT experience.

[Solved] The VM Session was Closed Before Any Attempt to Power it on

Error 0x80004005 On Virtual Machine

Usually, getting the error 0x80004005 message when launching VM appears with a VirtualBox E_FAIL error. If you got the error 0x80004005 message when starting a virtual machine (VirtualBox), then it could have appeared due to corrupt system files or Hyper-V API issues.

The most common cause of error 0x80004005 appearance is corrupt system files.

However, regardless of whatever caused the error to occur, you should use a data recovery solution to retrieve all files and data that may have been lost from the system that threw up the error 0x80004005 message.

DiskInternals VMFS Recovery can help you with virtual machine data recovery tasks. Now the solutions to error 0x80004005.

If you got the error while trying to access your VirtualBox, the most common cause is registry-related issues, which are fixable using the Regedit CLI tool.

[Solved] The VM Session was Closed Before Any Attempt to Power it on

This can also be fixed by modifying the Registry Editor. In this case, you need to create a new registry entry – LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy Value.

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[Solved] The VM Session was Closed Before Any Attempt to Power it on

Launch the RegEdit tool via Windows Run Dialogue box.

Go to HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesSystem

Click OK to save

Restart the system.

But, if this doesn’t work. Reopen the Run Dialogue Box and type hdwwiz. cpl to launch Windows Device Manager. Then go to Network Adapters, navigate to “View” on the menu tab and activate “View Hidden Devices. ” Expand the Network Adapters row and delete (right-click and click Delete) all “Microsoft 6to4 Adapters” you may see there. After this, restart the system.

[Solved] The VM Session was Closed Before Any Attempt to Power it on

Here’s a pro tip; when allocating more than 3GB of RAM space to a new virtual machine, ensure that the host PC runs on 64-bit OS and also enable true hardware pass-through (VT-x). Here’s how to fix different virtual machine E_FAIL 0x80004005 error messages.

Failed Opening Sessions

If the error 0x80004005 appeared when starting a VM session, you could clear it out by changing your network adapter settings.

2 Uninstall Microsoft 6to4 Adapters

Another solution to the E_Fail error 0x80004005 message is deleting/uninstalling all Microsoft 6to4 adapters shown on Device Manager. But before you can see the 6to4 adapters, you need to enable Show Hidden Devices (available under the View menu option).

Did the 0x80004005 error appear while trying to extract an archive file? Maybe you should disable your antivirus or use another file extraction software app.

Use Another Tool

You could fix the error message by simply using another tool to extract the file. There are many archive extraction tools to choose from, including WinZip, 7Zip, WinRAR, and quite many others.

Disable Your Antivirus’ Realtime Protection Feature

While installing antivirus software on your PC is important, sometimes, the antivirus algorithms interrupt several operations from third-party applications or even OS applications.

So, you should consider turning off the “Realtime Protection” feature and try extracting the file again. In most cases, this simple act just solves the problem. This also applies if you enabled Windows Defender – turn it off and run the extraction; afterward, you can turn it back on.

Re-register jscript. dll and vbscript. dll

[Solved] The VM Session was Closed Before Any Attempt to Power it on

Re-register jscript. dll and vbscript. dll

jscript. dll is a library for running JScript and vbscript. dll is a modular API for VBScript.

Первое решение

[Solved] The VM Session was Closed Before Any Attempt to Power it on

Как видно на скриншоте выше, у меня в этой папке лежат два файла с названием моей виртуальной машины «Win8. 1»: «Win8. vbox» и «Win8. vbox-prev». Необходимо сначала скопировать оба файла в другое место на вашем компьютере (сделать резервные копии), а затем в исходной папке удалить файл «Win8. vbox», а файл «Win8. vbox-prev» переименовать в «Win8. vbox». Только не забывайте, что у вас будет своё имя виртуальной машины. После этого виртуальная машина должна запуститься без ошибки. Если же ошибка осталась, то просто верните скопированные файлы в исходную папку.

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Иногда в указанной папке будут лежать не те файлы, которые я описывал выше, а с расширением xml – например, «Win8. xml-prev» и «Win8. xml-tmp». В этом случае достаточно переименовать файл «Win8. xml-prev» в файл «Win8. xml», и виртуальная машина должна запуститься без ошибок.

Это решение самое простое, и поэтому я рекомендую проверить его первым, но, к сожалению, данный способ не всегда срабатывает. Если это не помогло, то переходим ко второму решению.

Третье решение

Если первые два способа не помогли, то необходимо установить одну из стабильных версий программы VirtualBox (на данный момент это версии 4. 12 и 4. 10), предварительно удалив ту версию VirtualBox, с которой у вас установлена на данный момент (только не удаляйте сам файл виртуального жёсткого диска). В версиях 4. 12 и 4. 10 ошибки E_FAIL (0x80004005) не наблюдалось.

Как установить скачанную программу VirtualBox, я подробно описывал в этой статье. Учтите, что при удалении прежней VirtualBox с вашего компьютера у вас скорее всего будет временно разорвано интернет-соединение, так же, как и при установке другой версии этой программы. В этом нет ничего страшного, обычная перезагрузка компьютера решает эту проблему.

Надеюсь, данная статья была для вас полезной. Если у вас появятся дополнительные вопросы, прошу задавать их в комментариях.

Второе решение

Ещё одной причиной ошибки E_FAIL (0x80004005) может быть одно из обновлений операционной системы Windows KB3004394. Необходимо удалить это обновление, чтобы ваша виртуальная машина вновь смогла запуститься без ошибки.

Заходим в меню «Пуск» в левом нижнем углу рабочего стола Windows, и затем в правом столбце нажмите «Выполнить», как показано на рисунке:

[Solved] The VM Session was Closed Before Any Attempt to Power it on

Откроется диалоговое окно, и в нём надо набрать на английском языке слово «cmd» и затем нажать ОК:

[Solved] The VM Session was Closed Before Any Attempt to Power it on

Откроется чёрный экран с командной строкой и мигающим курсором:

[Solved] The VM Session was Closed Before Any Attempt to Power it on

В нём нужно будет аккуратно набрать следующую команду:

wusa /uninstall /kb:3004394

и нажать Enter. Должно получиться что-то вроде такого:

[Solved] The VM Session was Closed Before Any Attempt to Power it on

Windows поищет указанное обновление на вашем компьютере, и если найдёт, то удалит. Обычно это помогает в том случае, если не помогло решение №1.

Тем не менее, бывают случаи, когда даже этот способ не помогает, и приходится переходить к третьему способу.


In conclusion, the error 0x80004005 message can be fixed in quite several ways, as explained throughout this article. However, before attempting any of these solutions, running a data recovery process is important to get back the previous versions of all your files. The DiskInternals VMFS Recovery tool can help for effective data recovery.

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