Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018

Adobe Photoshop is a powerful tool for generating and modifying stunning 3D pictures, digital artwork, and graphics. It is incredibly popular, and many experts all over the world use it.

Despite the fact that Adobe Photoshop improves its optimization with each iteration, it is not without problems.

What does error 131 mean in Photoshop?

In Photoshop, the error code 131 denotes a runtime issue. Simply open the Task Manager and close the CCXProcess, CCLibrary, CoreSync, and Node processes on the processes tab to resolve the issue. Restart Adobe Photoshop after that.

There’s no denying that this is a bothersome situation, but don’t worry; I’ve done my job and found the most effective solutions.

To learn how to resolve this issue, read the entire post.

Check our guide if your PC won’t go to sleep mode in Windows 11

The simplest method is to launch your task manager by pressing the Ctrl + Alt + Delete keys on your keyboard at the same time, then heading to the processes tab and terminating the CCXProcess, CCLibrary, CoreSync, and Node processes. Restart Adobe Photoshop and reinstall it if it still doesn’t work.

There are numerous options for resolving the Photoshop error code 131 problem. Not all of them are viable options, and some of them are also complicated.

I’ve listed the most basic and effective approaches below. This problem will be resolved by going through them.

Here are the methods to fix photoshop error code 131:

Close Creative Cloud Processes in task manager

When a program is open on Windows or Mac, multiple background processes operate in the background. Similarly, Adobe Photoshop is in the same boat.

Many people who are experiencing the same problem have reported that terminating some of these Adobe Photoshop-related processes fixes the problem.

1. Launch the task manager. You can do this by hitting the Ctrl, Alt, and Delete keys on your keyboard simultaneously time. You may also access the task manager by right-clicking the start button (Window logo button) on your desktop screen and selecting Task Manager.

2. If the choice is not already expanded, click on additional information at the bottom of the task manager.

3. Go to the Processes

4. End the task by right-clicking on CCXProcess

Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018

5. Carry out the same procedure for CCLibraryCoreSyncNode

6. Try reinstalling Adobe Photoshop and updating Creative Cloud.

If this strategy does not work for you, try the other options listed below.

Reinstall Adobe photoshop

Adobe Photoshop will be reinstalled to resolve any hidden issues that cannot be resolved by terminating some processes in the task manager.

1. Get to the control panel. Look for it in the bottom left corner of the desktop screen’s search bar.

2. Navigate to Programs

3. Go to the Programs and Features section. You’ll get a list of the programs that are currently installed on your computer. You may search for Adobe Photoshop in the upper-right search bar instead of scrolling and searching.

4. Uninstall Adobe Photoshop by right-clicking on it.

Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018

Yes, remove and allow time for the uninstallation process to finish.

6. Adobe Photoshop can be reinstalled by going to the official website.

Disable Your Antivirus

During the execution of Adobe applications, your antivirus program may cause minor pauses. This issue should be resolved by deactivating the antivirus software. Take the actions outlined below.

1. Go to your computer’s desktop.

2. Open the antivirus program you’re using.

3. Go to the Settings option.

4. Turn off all shields.

Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018

The more simple way to accomplish this is to:

2. At the bottom right of your desktop screen, click the arrow button. If your antivirus program is present, right-click on it and select deactivate.

3. Adobe Photoshop should be relaunched.

Repairing hard drive mistakes will resolve not only Adobe Photoshop problems, but also other underlying problems. This is a fantastic strategy, so stick to the instructions.

2. Right-click on the disk drive you wish to repair.

3. Click on Properties, then Tools

5. Then click Start after choosing the Scan for and try recovery of faulty sectors checkbox.

Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018

Error code 131 can arise for a variety of causes in Adobe software. These factors vary depending on the software.

It usually happens when Adobe Photoshop messes up during the Creative Cloud update process. This can occur for a variety of causes, including a power outage during the update or the lack of a reliable internet connection.

This is a relatively simple problem to resolve. Simply open the task manager and click the process tab to close the CCXProcess, CCLibrary, CoreSync, and Node processes. If the choice isn’t expanded by default, remember to click the more details button at the bottom of the task manager.

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Using the keyboard shortcut of hitting Ctrl, Alt, and Delete at the same time, you can access the task manager.

You may always try reinstalling Adobe Photoshop if this didn’t work. Simply go to the control panel and pick the option to uninstall a program. Uninstall Adobe Photoshop by right-clicking on it in the list of installed programs. After that, all you have to do is go to the Adobe website and reinstall Adobe Photoshop.

The error code appears in Adobe Premiere Pro primarily during the installation, removal, and upgrading processes. This could occur as a result of corrupted files created during the installation/update procedure.

You may simply fix this by installing and launching the Creative Cloud cleaner application on your computer. The Creative Cloud Cleaner utility is compatible with all Adobe products.

You’ll be asked to choose a language and which Adobe software you want to fix. Choose the choices that apply to you and finish the cleanup process.

Reinstall Adobe premiere pro/other Adobe software from the official Adobe page by going to the control panel, removing it, and then reinstalling it.

1. Make your way to the task manager. You can do this by pressing the Ctrl, Alt, and Delete keys on your keyboard simultaneously. If the choice is not already expanded, click on additional details at the bottom of the task manager.

3. Right-click on CCXProcess and select End Task

4. Carry out the same procedure for CCLibrary, CoreSync, and Node.

5. Try reinstalling Adobe Photoshop and updating Creative Cloud.

The 131 error code is also common in Adobe premiere pro, and it appears when you try to upgrade or delete the Creative Cloud for whatever reason.

Fortunately, it is not a difficult problem to resolve. To solve this issue, you can use a variety of approaches.

1. Download Creative Cloud Cleaner.

2. Install Creative Cloud Cleaner on your computer.

3. After the installation is complete, launch the Creative Cloud cleaner.

4. Choose a language.

5. Choose the software that is causing problems. Wait for the cleanup to be finished.

6. To get to the control panel, go to the control panel.

7. Programs should be chosen.

8. Select Programs and Features from the drop-down menu. You will get a list of all the programs that are installed on your computer.

Adobe Premiere Pro by clicking on uninstall.3 after right-clicking on the program.

10. Visit the official Adobe website to reinstall Adobe Premiere Pro.


As a result, I wrote about the strategies you can use to resolve this problem, and I hope you were successful in doing so. Hopefully, you are now able to work with Adobe Photoshop again after resolving your issues.

How to Fix Photoshop Error Code 131

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1. Некорректная работа с AMD Radeon Vega Frontier Edition. При включенном GPU ускорении в программе Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018, при установленной видеокарте AMD Radeon Vega Frontier Edition, в окне предварительного просмотра, получаем цветовой сдвиг (например в сторону фиолетового).
Решение проблемы: установка драйвера Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17.11.4 и выше, который включает в себя Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17.11.3 Hotfix.
2. Рассинхронизация аудио и видео у оцифрованного видео. Смотрим свойства оцифрованного видео в программе Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018, и не находим никакого криминала:

Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018

Теперь смотрим свойства видео с помощью утилиты: Mpeg Info. И видим, что это MPEG-PS, кодек ArcSoft MPEG-2 PAL. А в свойствах аудио видим информацию о задержке: Delay relative to video: -21ms. Видимо этот флаг программа Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018 и не читает. Решение проблемы: перекодировка видео в утилите, которая видит это флаг или попробовать самостоятельно сдвинуть звук на 21 мс.

Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018

Писалось видео на microSDXC карту памяти SAMSUNG EVO PLUS MB-MC128HA/RU, которое имеет класс скорости Class10 (т.е. минимальная скорость записи 10МБ/с или 80Мбит/с).
При рендере в обычный пресет H.264, программа Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2021 зависала на одном кадре:

Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018

Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018

Даже после закрытия программы, процесс Adobe Premiere Pro.exe висит и съедает всю оперативную память (утечка памяти).

Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018

При воспроизведении такого видео, в проблемном кадре появляются следующие артефакты:

Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018

Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018

Решение проблемы: вариантов тут несколько, поставить программу в которой все нормально, та же версия Adobe Premiere Pro CS6, Premiere Elements, перекодировать в другой программе/утилите, ну или пробовать править Interpretation Rules.txt.
4. Утечка памяти при воспроизведении. При выбранном аппаратном ускорении, получаем ошибку связанную с утечкой памяти: A low-level exception occurred in: Аппаратное GPU-ускорение ядра Mercury Playback (CUDA) (AcceleratedRenderer:2).

Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018

5. Ошибка при установке. Не выполнены системные требования. Подробнее смотрите в минимальных системных требованиях. (Код ошибки: 190).

Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018

Или версия операционной системы не подходит, или по железу не соответствует требованиям компьютер, например мало оперативной памяти и т.д.
6. При загрузке программы Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018 появляется сообщение: Ошибка конфигурации. Возникла проблема с лицензией на этот продукт. Перезагрузите компьютер и запустите эту программу еще раз. Если после перезапуска проблема остается, обратитесь за помощью в службу технической поддержки клиентов и сообщите код ошибки, который указан внизу этого окна. Ошибка: 131:4 (Configuration error. A problem has occured with the licensing of this product. Restart your computer and re-launch the product. If this problem still occurs after restarting, contact Customer Support for further assistance, and mention the error code shown at the bottom of this screen. Error: 131:4).
Как написано в базе знаний о cpsid_85519 (, вызвать такую ошибку могло два момента: неправильный серийный номер и потеря файла.

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Исправляем ошибки

Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018

Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018

3. Код ошибки: 131 в Adobe Creative Cloud. Возникает ошибка 131 при попытке обновления приложения Creative Cloud для настольных ПК? Воспользуйтесь приведенными ниже решениями.
При ошибке 131 вы получаете следующие сообщения об ошибке в приложении Creative Cloud для настольных ПК:
– Невозможно синхронизировать. Установите компоненты синхронизации и повторите попытку. Код ошибки 131.
– Возникли проблемы при обновлении Creative Cloud. Код ошибки 131.
– Не удалось обновить Creative Cloud. К сожалению, не удалось обновить приложение. Код ошибки 131.
Код ошибки 131 означает, что необходимо закрыть определенные фоновые процессы Creative Cloud (Core Sync, CCLibrary, CCXProcess и Node), прежде чем вы сможете обновить приложение Creative Cloud для настольных ПК.
Чтобы исправить ошибку 131, просто принудительно завершите следующие фоновые процессы Creative Cloud: CCXProcess, CCLibrary, CoreSync, Node.

Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018

4. Ошибка A low-level exception occurred in Adobe Player (Player:79). При работе на таймлайне в Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2021 появляется ошибка утечки памяти: A low-level exception occurred in Adobe Player (Player:79).
Если запустить предварительный просчёт, то появится следующая ошибка: Video Preview Error. Error compiling movie. Exception Occurred! A low-level exeption occurred.
Component: Mercury Playback Engine GPU Acceleration (CUDA) of type AcceleratedRenderer. Selector: 2.
Для решения проблемы, необходимо отключить аппаратный движок Mercury Playback Engine GPU Acceleration (CUDA) и выбрать софтовый движок Mercury Playback Engine Software Only (Только программное ускорение ядра Mercury Playback).

Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018

5. Нет поддержки импорта HEVC видео. При установке сомнительных сборок программы Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2021 часто возникает ошибка при попытке импорта H.265 (HEVC) видео в программу:
Premiere Pro. Для создания данного файла требуется кодек HEVC, доступный подписчикам Creative Cloud. Чтобы обносить программное обеспечение до платной версии, перейдите на веб-страницу: OK.
Многие пользователи сразу же бегут и покупают кодеки HEVC для операционной системы Microsoft Windows 10:
Приложение Расширения для видео HEVC от производителя устройства уже установлено. Более новая версия приложения Расширения для видео HEVC от производителя устройства уже установлена.
Но, это не помогает, так как сборка кастрированная, без декодеров и кодеров (mc_dec_hevc.dll и mc_enc_hevc.dll) и без их активации. Для поддержки кодеков и декодеров HEVC, устанавливаем программу с официального сайта и правильно её активируем, с помощью Gen-P.

Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018

6. BSOD win32kfull.sys. При экспорте видео с настройками H.264 VBR 2-pass в программе Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2021 на платформе Microsoft Windows 10 (20H2 19042.1052) может вылететь “синий экран смерти”.
На вашем устройстве возникла проблема, и его необходимо перезагрузить. Мы лишь собираем некоторые сведения об ошибке, а затем вы сможете выполнить перезагрузку.
Код остановки: PAGE FAULT IN NONPAGED AREA. Что вызвало проблему: win32kfull.sys.
Причина ошибки: установленное обновленияе безопасности KB5000802.
Решение проблемы, удаляем обновление: KB5000802 (обновление скрытое) через cmd команды.
wusa /uninstall /kb:5000802
Если не установлено KB5000802, то пробуем удалить обновление: KB5000808.
wusa /uninstall /kb:5000808
Для дальнейшей успешной работы устанавливаем следующие обновления с исправленной ошибкой:
Windows 10, версия 2004 и Windows 10, версия 20H2 – KB5001567
Windows 10, версия 1909 и Windows Server 1909 – KB5001566
Windows 10, версия 1809 и Windows Server 2019 – KB5001568
Windows 10, версия 1803 – KB5001565

Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018

Метки: 0xc000007b, DV/HDV Device Control Options, Windows Visual C++, Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2021, меню Файл (File), A low-level exception occurred in Adobe Player (Player:79), код ошибки: 131, ошибка компиляции фильма, ошибка создания фрейма, недопустимое выделение памяти при создании видеофрейма с совмещением диска, LogTransport2.exe, Apple iPhone X/Xs/Xs, iOS 11, нет поддержки импорта HEVC видео, внутренняя ошибка устройства mme adobe premiere, нет домашней страницы, cep, creative cloud, BSOD win32kfull.sys.

Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018

– Невозможно синхронизировать. Установите компоненты синхронизации и повторите попытку. Код ошибки 131. – Возникли проблемы при обновлении Creative Cloud. Код ошибки 131. – Не удалось обновить Creative Cloud. К сожалению, не удалось обновить приложение. Код ошибки 131. Код ошибки 131 означает, что необходимо закрыть определенные фоновые процессы Creative Cloud (Core Sync, CCLibrary, CCXProcess и Node), прежде чем вы сможете обновить приложение Creative Cloud для настольных ПК. Чтобы исправить ошибку 131, просто принудительно завершите следующие фоновые процессы Creative Cloud

Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018

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Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018

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Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018

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Adobe Photoshop is one of the greatest softwares for creating and editing beautiful 3d images, digital artwork, and graphics. It is extremely popular and is used by many professionals around the world.

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Although Adobe photoshop gets better optimization with every release, it is not without flaws.

Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018

Error code 131 in Photoshop means that it is a runtime error. All you need to do to fix this problem is go to the Task Manager and close the CCXProcess, CCLibrary, CoreSync and Node processes in the processes tab. After that, rerun Adobe photoshop.

There is no doubt that this is an annoying issue but do not worry as I have thoroughly researched and brought you the best ways you can fix this problem.

Read the full post to know how to fix this problem.

The easiest way is to open your task manager by pressing the Ctrl, Alt and Delete buttons at the same time on your keyboard and then going to the processes tab and ending the CCXProcess, CCLibrary, CoreSync and Node processes. Rerun Adobe photoshop and if it still does not work, reinstall it.

There are many methods that can be used to fix the Photoshop error code 131 issue. Not all of them are working solutions and on top of that some of them are complex.

I have written the most straightforward and best methods below. Going through them will fix this issue.

There are many background processes that run when a program is active on Windows or MAC. So it is the same case for Adobe Photoshop as well.

Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018

Here are the steps to close processes in the task manager:

If this method did not work for you, please go through the other methods given below.

Reinstalling Adobe photoshop will fix any hidden problems that cannot be solved by closing some processes in the task manager.

Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018

Here are the steps to Reinstall Adobe photoshop:

Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018

The easier way to do this is by:

Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018

Here are the steps to repair hard drive errors.

Check our guide if your PC won’t go to sleep mode in Windows 11.

There are multiple possible reasons for which error code 131 occurs for Adobe softwares. These reasons differ from software to software.

For Adobe Photoshop, it mainly occurs for a problem during the updating process of Creative Cloud. This can happen for many reasons, like a power cut during the update or a loss of a stable internet connection.

It is pretty easy to fix this issue. All you have to do is open the task manager and close the CCXProcess, CCLibrary, CoreSync and Node processes in the process tab. Remember to click on the more details button at the bottom of the task manager if the option is not expanded by default.

Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018

You can open the task manager using the keyboard shortcut, which is pressing the Ctrl, Alt and Delete buttons simultaneously.

If this did not work, you could always try to reinstall Adobe photoshop. You just need to go to the control panel and select the uninstall a program option. Right-click on Adobe photoshop from the list of installed programs and click on Uninstall. After that, all you have to do is reinstall Adobe Photoshop by visiting the official Adobe website.

In Adobe Premiere Pro, the error code occurs mainly during the installation or uninstallation process and the updating process. This might happen due to corrupted files that formed during the installation/updating process.

You can fix this easily by downloading the Creative Cloud cleaner tool and then running it on your PC. The Creative Cloud Cleaner tool works for every Adobe software.

You will be prompted to select a language and which Adobe software to fix. Select the options that are applicable to you and complete the cleanup process.

Reinstall Adobe premiere pro/other Adobe software by going to the control panel, uninstalling it and then reinstalling it from the official Adobe website.

The 131 error code issue is also prevalent in Adobe premiere pro and it occurs when you want to update the Creative Cloud or uninstall it for any reason.

Here are the steps to fix premiere pro error code 131:

1. Is Adobe photoshop free?

No, only the trial version of Adobe Photoshop is free.

2. How do I buy a Creative Cloud membership?

Go and select an option from the Creative Clod Membership page.

3. Can I install previous releases of Creative Cloud apps?

Yes, you can install the previous major release of your desired Creative Cloud app.

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